Indian Boys and Girls Win South Asian Table Tennis Titles

New Delhi, May 28: The Under-19 Girls defeated hosts Sri Lanka 3-0 in the final of the South Asian Youth Table Tennis Championships at Kandy to win the team trophy yesterday evening. In a dominating outing in Sri Lanka, the girls beat Nepal 3-0 in the semifinals before taking on the Sri Lankan girls. Sayali Wani beat Bimandee Bandara 1-6,…


Indian Table Tennis Duo Sharath and Manika to Spearhead Teams at Paris Olympics

New Delhi, May 16: Multiple CWG medallist A. Sharath Kamal and world No. 24 Manika Batra will spearhead the team events of Indian men and women challenges, respectively, at the July-August Paris Olympics in what will be the first-ever participation of our squads at theĀ Games. The senior selection committee of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI), which met here…


Manika Batra reaches a career-high of 24

New Delhi, May 14: Manika Batra touched a new height, jumping 15 places to be World No. 24, according to the latest ITTF Rankings updated today. Thus, Manika became the first woman paddler in the country to reach a new peak in her career graph, etching her name in the history book. Before entering the Saudi Smash last week, Manika…